Shipping Info


How much are the shipping costs?

The shipping costs depend on the country to which the order is to be shipped. The corresponding shipping costs can be seen in the table below.

Please note that countries outside the EU charge import duties.

When will I receive my package?

Unless otherwise stated in the ordering process, standard orders usually arrive at their destination between 2 and 5 working days after the order date.

All orders with the Express shipping method are shipped by DHL Express and are only shipped the same day if the order was placed before 1 pm. Express orders are delivered within 48 hours on working days.

Will I receive a Track & Trace code?

You will receive a shipping confirmation with tracking number by e-mail. This will allow you to follow the shipping status on the carrier's website.

Note for shipping to Switzerland & United Kingdom:

When delivering a shipment from abroad, residents of Switzerland & United Kingdom must pay fees (VAT, customs duties).

Every shipment from abroad is subject to customs duties and VAT for Swiss & British residents. You, as the recipient of a shipment from abroad, pay value-added tax (VAT) on the value of the goods and customs duties for the gross weight.

Please note:

All orders with the shipping method Express will be shipped by DHL Express and will only be shipped on the same day if the order was placed before 1 pm.

We cannot offer free returns for all listed countries. For more information and a listing of all countries, please visit Returns.


Country Standard shipping DHL Express
Carrier Standard Orders above €65 Customer Club
Austria €2,99 free free €12,99
Belgium DHL €2,99 free free €12,99
Bulgaria Bulgarian Posts PLC €4,99 free free €19,99
Canada DHL Express only / / / €49,99
Czech republic Česká pošta €4,99 free free €15,99
Croatia DHL €4,99 free free €19,99
Cyprus DHL Express only €4,99 free free €19,99
Denmark Post Danmark AS €2,99 free free €12,99
Estonia AS Eesti Post €4,99 free free €19,99
Finland DHL €4,99 free free €15,99
France DHL €2,99 free free €12,99
Germany DHL €2,99 free free €7,99
Greece DHL EXPRESS €4,99 free free €19,99
Hungary Magyar Posta €4,99 free free €19,99
Ireland An Post €4,99 free free €19,99
Iceland DHL Express only / / / €29,99
Italy DHL €4,99 free free €19,99
Latvia DHL €4,99 free free €19,99
Lithuania Lietuvos paštas €4,99 free free €19,99
Luxembourg DHL €2,99 free free €12,99
The Netherlands DHL €2,99 free free €9,99
Norway DHL Express only / / / €29,99
Poland DHL EXPRESS €4,99 free free €15,99
Portugal DHL €4,99 free free €19,99
Romania DHL EXPRESS €4,99 free free €19,99
Slovakia Slovenská pošta, a.s €4,99 free free €19,99
Slovenia Pošta Slovenije, d.o.o €4,99 free free €19,99
Spain DHL €4,99 free free €15,99
Sweden DHL €4,99 free free €19,99
Switzerland DHL Express only / / / €15,99
United States (USA) DHL Express only / / / €49,99